SwiftServe Products Overview

SwiftServe helps content publishers and network service providers profit from delivering a better Internet multimedia experience to their customers.

SwiftCache, High-Performance Transparent Caching

SwiftCache is a proven high performance media-caching appliance designed specifically to handle the challenges of the modern Internet. The intelligent caching engine is optimised for video caching (including live-streaming), as well as more traditional content such as websites or images.

For you as a network service provider, this means you can provide a better service to your subscribers, while realising big savings.

Great Features

SwiftCache offers you great features, including:

  • Appliance models with specifications to suit the size of your network and the complexity of your caching needs
  • Optimised for video delivery and the modern Internet
  • Easy management via a web-based GUI, or with scriptable CLI or SNMP
  • Highly flexible policy configurations to handle dynamic URLs, video-seek requests, and other such content that has traditionally been very difficult to cache effectively
  • Cloud-based service for rule updates to ensure optimal cache performance
  • No disruption to non-HTTP content
  • Overload or bypass mode to ensure that, should the cache become overloading, it will not disrupt user experience
  • Comprehensive reporting, including cache hit-rates and traffic levels on a per-site basis for most popular sites
  • Clustering and inter-cache communication, for greater scalability and resilience, with the ability to manage and configure the cluster as a single machine
  • Content Filtering, including using white and black-lists or selection by category e.g. social media

  • SwiftCDN

    SwiftCDN is SwiftServe's licensed CDN offering. If you are a network service provider, SwiftCDN enables you to deploy your own CDN, built on the advanced technology and expertise that SwiftServe has developed. Effectively, it allows you to participate actively in the value chain of digital content delivery, monetizing traffic that is already flowing over your network.

    SwiftServe CDN Technology

    SwiftCDN utilises the same technology components that are used in the SwiftServe CDN. This provides you with the comfort to know that SwiftCDN has been tried and tested on a large scale. It also means that you can easily connect your CDN with the global SwiftServe CDN if you wish, enabling you to create new revenue streams.

    Your CDN will be able to deliver the full range of services offered by SwiftServe CDN, including web-acceleration, file download optimisation, video on demand (VoD), and live streaming. You will be able to deliver both your customers' and your own content anywhere over HTTP, RTMP, HDS, HLS, and Smooth, and to virtually any device, including PCs, laptops, tablets or mobile phones running Windows, Linux, iOS or Android. You can restrict access to your content to ranges of IP addresses, to specific geographies (geoblocking) as well a various business related factors with token-based authentication.

    Creating New Revenue Streams

    SwiftCDN enables you to:

  • Deliver cost-effectively any content to which you own the rights
  • Provide value-added services to local content publishers for the efficient and secure delivery of their content locally
  • Furthermore, by becoming a SwiftServe CDN Federation partner, you can:

  • Enhance your service to local content publishers by including global distribution of content, via the SwiftServe CDN
  • Receive payment for delivering locally on behalf of SwiftServe content originating from elsewhere

  • Products